Discard the old for the new whilst doing so with astute precision
why astute? because you need to realise that certain things are meant for throwing out and certain things aren't... some things that you've done have been beneficial and deserve to remain while others haven't been... so the tricky part is deciding which to keep and which to throw out...
I chose to start anew, afresh... take it like I've never been attached to anything and anyone and start building things up from there... no doubt the past few days of mine have been dedicated to thinking... aloud on this blog... though quietly to myself... but I feel it's been one of the most touching moments in my life... as I stood up to thank God for his goodness and the wonderful people he has given me yesterday during my church's thanksgiving dinner... I truly felt the need of a christian community and I mentioned it... it's different... and it should be something you can always depend, fall back on, and be proud of... no one else has it this special... and this is something we christians can all be proud of... ;P
well, and yes my dinos cell group have been a unique bunch, bringing with it much laughter and mirth... my micah girls have been lovely and I love them alot back... (who can resist their lovable ways?)... my pastor's been ever so encouraging and rooted in the word... my parents a gentle pushing force... allowing me to learn how to have my own set of values, beliefs and goals and how to achieve them... the sibling rivalry's quite very much reduced... and I have to say that one of my new year resolutions is to find time to spend with them and be more involved in their lives...
perhaps... and also to exercise the simple 3 'M's rule: find your 1. Master, 2. Mission (which is what I'm finding and learning about now)... and after all that's certain... 3. Mate... :)
and so I've 21 new year resolutions... where the number 21's quite a reminder to myself for something I shan't mention here (you can ask me someday though... personally) it comprises of all things spiritual, mental and emotional... it was a good list made up after the long hours of thinking and I'm starting to feel excited by the grandiose ways of it all (dun worry, my targets are achieveable... not unreachable)
and to all...
Happy Belated Christmas and a Merry New Year... ")