Friday, December 17, 2004

My stage is set!

everything's going into full swing with the sudden burst of meetings and proposals and all those administrative stuff... Man... I love it so much... ;P do not think of me as a workaholic... it's just that, as everyone can emphatically agree with me, that the holidays would be a hell-boring time if nothing was planned or done... (no sense of satisfaction nor fulfillment)

so meetings after meetings would fill the voids of my holiday... accompanied with bouts of comic relief (in my wu xia comic strips) and the chunks of vcd(huan zhu ge ge)... what a wonderful world... have my family for comfort and to spend time with... meeting friends and having parties to attend... appointments to keep... etc etc etc... the list goes on forever... and i was initially afraid of not having enough money for the holidays... but seems like it's been good... God's been good... will be working for 4 days this coming january for a few quick bucks to help myself survive... actually, I'm surviving well alright! don't spend much and neither do I splurge... hee hee... (i've made it!!!)


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