Thursday, April 07, 2005

the ridiculously long peom...

made me think and now I think sane again... I have found my bearings through my writing and doesn't it sound too much like that of an intraverted person, but oh I'm not complaining... I'm glad today felt this way... :)

I'm glad for this slump and this time to think... it's so precious I realise and there is so much I have learnt...

1. Love one another as he has first loved us
2. exercise discernment with discernment
3. in multitude of words, sin is not absent (and not being real and sharing openly isn't an escape... it's a facade)
4. take time off to remember yourself
5. know when to speak, think before speaking- everything has its repercussions...
6. don't commit too much to everything... keep an objective mind...

and so miraculously, a poem saved me... ")


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