Tuesday, November 23, 2004

wo de xing zhong zhi huan...

help... my anxiousness isn't allayed in any way and I can't help but feel very disconcerted about the whole examinations thingy... yes, it's been two papers over and unless a miracle happens... I don't think my prospects look too good currently...

and I haven't been slacking... for a few days... the last few days have been cramming sessions which... of course, compared to full fledge studying, is nothing... but I hope miracles still happen... and I pray that things would only get better... perhaps I might think I'll be really glad the exams would be over soon... but perhaps all too soon... I'd rather a little more time... then again, no one's ever happy with what they have... it's either too short or too draggy...

but there again, are my fantastic friends who have been really encouraging and have been nagging at me to study and do my best... thank God for friends like them... what would I do without them? and of course, with my family praying for me... even if I was really disappointed... I should be disappointed I didn't do better than better... but did I? and if it hasn't... things should start changing from tomorrow's paper!!!!

Nerd institution starting in three, two.. one...


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