I'll let the joy of the Lord be my strength...
Because he has made me glad, he fights for my battles... he will win and has won it for me... :)
I was just mentioning to nel that really, I hadn't really felt the heat of the semester ever since the semester started... sure i had tons of things to do... and i seemed really busy... i complained when i had so much to do... but am starting to get acquainted to the workload... although there is more to come, i think i would want to trust and rest in the Lord...
the joy of the Lord is my strength!
and ironically, it was only when nel mentioned that we might have a major problem with anntic, that it might clash with many youth camps due to the pushing back of the exam dates... that i started to panic... so i had things sorted out with our point of contact through fred and we've got good and bad news... the bad is that we had to make our down payment in less than 2 weeks' time... the good? we can actually ask the com members to pay up first, that would make the amount... we can pay up to a singapore contact (so we need not go up again) and... we won't be charged alot extra for the use of the main conference room... :)
God wants this camp to be... won't he let it be?
I made contingent budget sheets immediately and found that we need at least 110 campers, 125 in total including speakers and staff workers to break even and have a little leftover... anything lower than that would make us be really in the red... (praying hard everyone would go!)
our programs schedule is out! :) our workshops are on its way to be confirmed... the blurbs are being written... the publicity cds are being burnt... the forms would soon be printed... we're going to bake on the 18th for fund raising during the 2nd ft... there is so much going on! :) and our committee is gelling really really well... despite the initial minor problems and the huge committee... :) all works out well...
but yet has your heart ever been confused... as to what your head and heart are thinking?
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