Thursday, June 30, 2005

some thoughts

What i posted in (just to share)

"it's not about the service isn't it? it's more about who's in the service... it's not about going to a service every week or cell group every friday... it's why you're there for... fellowship? fellowship with God?

if your answer was the latter... i worry for you... fellowship with God is everywhere, anytime, any place... cell group doesn't give you extra 'anointing' to revel in his presence... but the people.. the friends you make along the way in your christian walk... they are crucial...

God didn't make for people to be alone and lonely... he created us to share and to encourage.. to uphold in prayer and in service... to serve one another... as he called us to be servants... for his glory... we revel in the friends he has given us.. and we're privileged to call them our brothers and sisters in Christ! what an honour!

I have been blessed to have seen God really working through dinos myself... we have started to pray more fervently for each other... i feel very much more bonded in this cell group for the simple fact that our communion is not through human means... but our communion is locked in with the juices of God's love... *sounds like chicken on roast huh? :)*

People... let's make HoF not just a happening place.. not just a place where we can be accepted for our anntics... not just a place where we can be frank, stick to one another during our spare time or even dig out time to be with each other... let this place be a place with the fullness of God's love... where in your darkess moments, you know you can reach out to any random person to pray there and then for you... where you can share your darkess secrets and not be shied away from... where you know God's love prevails in our hearts. "

God bless,


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