Friday, February 04, 2005

me life... c'est superbly dramatic...

I'd like to think that life has enough worries on its own and no one's seeking more on their own accord... but why do people simply succumb to love and go gaga and cheesy with more lame jokes to boot just to merely impress some girl? or become what you're not and start being domesticated when it initially isn't part of your nature... you never mentioned cooking and would balk at doing your own laundry and ironing... ???

I'm thinking and thinking hard... God... it's not that I have too many criterions of my own for anything... nor is it that I'm simply too choosy or bossy... I'm merely love to bask in your presence and live everyday as if it were my last... grab hold of each day and make sure that I come out the victor of it... I don't need to prove my feminine ways, strutting down the aisle with some hunky guy in my arms... but are you telling me something else? perhaps?