Thursday, January 13, 2005

shall we dance? or act silly and sing those hits?

and yes... today was probably a very "talkative" day for me... caught up with a friend from serve, got to know her friend (met them in science fac) and yes, chatted with june, my jc friend... and had my dose of three math lectures in a row... isn't too bad... since I guess that some oxygen's gotten to my brains good anyways...

and I've been quite hysterically nuts... no qualms about that one... tomorrow morning's cold calling again and thereafter got to go to central library to print out my stuff and after which, my lecture and then a meeting to sign a contract (yay...) and... yes there's still an 'and' here... cell group...

long day no. 3...

counting up... the days I've been victorious... which will be everyday in the name of my Lord Jesus...


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