should I should I not?
drop the globalisation module's quite certain now... but take up another one to replace it? Hmmm... I have my doubts somehow... because well... unless I can get a non examinable module, I'd be miss nerd mind you... and I admit I ain't far from that for now...
sigh... why? why? why? why can't I just get the usual physics module and enjoy myself? and why in the world did I disobey him and take the stupid french module last semester? and why in the world couldn't I give up the tuition to study so I'd pass for it? and why was I so soft-hearted? sob...
ok so maybe I'm nice...
anyhow, went for facial today and indulged myself with some shopping... great sales... :P was supposed to go for a company meeting today... but well... it got cancelled and no one's complaining cause I need the time off... seriously... after all the stuff that's happened for the bazaar and the aiesec thingys? I'm shagged... I really am... and there's two meetings tomorrow! and an audition... oh well... God help me... really...
do I have time for another module? God... please... answer!!!
Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and all these things shall be added on to you...well, it does seem easy to say this isn't it?
But most often we fail to see the obvious, that He is there! Place Him first and He will make it all straight, that was a promise after all, not a passing remark...
Wonderful and informative web site. I used information from that site its great. » » »
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