Monday, April 10, 2006

so you think you can swim?

well it would gratify my ego to say that i can swim but in reality, i don't think much of my strokes. they aren't consistent enough nor powerful. neither quick nor accurate. so i guess i should say i am just an old baffer who swims to get a tan which is rather impossible because every time i attempt to swim, the sun doesn't want to come out at all.

but i would be taking part in that mini swimming competition again. that grc grassroots family day thing. after all, and why not?

i have nothing that day and i have been swimming lately. so i guess i go for it all in the name of fun.

can't wait for the show tonight at 8 "so you think you can dance?" oh wow. they're all simply fantastic...

was getting andrew to watch it... since he dances so much... haha i think i am positively a bad influence... getting people to watch tv, and getting people like ian to shop...

just am done with the whole series of the chronicles of narnia... been sapped of all energy and focus with those books. wonderfully crafted i would say...

the golf masters was supposed to be exciting... but i am dozing off... sheesh...


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