Thursday, March 30, 2006

i have fallen for you...

fallen for laziness. fallen for not-doing-anything. fallen for the impassionate music. fallen for the simpsons. fallen for being a couch potato. fallen for food (though this is not new). fallen for gorging. fallen for rights that don't dictate how a woman should feel and look. fallen for the american liberty.

my month's suddenly filled with so many things though. dance practices as pearl needs a rest from dancing due to her fall. taking up the worship positions once again. coming back to cell leading. coming back to meetings and more meetings. coming back to a frighteningly disimilar routine from what i had in seattle. coming back to rushings, craziness. but i don't want to lose myself in everything. wanna see what God wants for me. since he's pushed these things my way, it shall be it for now. but got to see cause what seems good may not always be the right thing.

but i crave jazz music and pubbing honestly. does it clash with the values i should be holding? they are not separate issues for sure and i truly think everything's permissible though it needs to be done with caution for people with responsibilities to fulfill... and roles to play.

ian soh, haiz... i miss your company... :(


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