Tuesday, March 28, 2006

jet lag.

back in WARM singapore finally after many hours of puking and fighting the feeling of doing further more so...

for 19 hours. my flight took me 19 hours. i thought initially that it would be shorter given the fact that the earth's rotation would be able to buy me some time off the flight, but guess due to the congestion in routes we had to fly all the way up almost to the north pole before trying to get down to tokyo and then further down to singapore...

and then now i am finally back on solid ground and due to the fact that i have slept for the past 19 hours or so (with the exception of almost 4-5 hours of playing jewels the game) i am not sleepy.

and touched home and went oh! singapore now? is it really? not so because i miss it here THAT much... i mean i do but it was more so because i am on ground. on ground finally.

trust me i can beat you to the jewels game anytime now. hehe.

was trying to pry my mind away from thoughts of puking.

didn't even try any airplane food. man ian would have been so glad to have flown back with me. he thinks the portions are tiny. haha.

trust me to think of those things when it comes to those moments...


i called and he picked up and said he was on the way. i went like what??? so now i have my parents and him here... now how? two cars... and he has two presentations tomorrow... aiyoh. i feel so so bad now...

anywayz... prayed for him liao. he would be able to do well. :) i hope think pray and believe.

and i almost missed the plane from seattle to tokyo. they were paging for me when i arrived like 10 min early, didn't know they were so kiasu...


or am i starting to become less singaporean? already?

haha shane said i don't have the slang as for now since i have always had a slang before i went. in fact i think i picked up alot there... china-accented and taiwan-accented english... british english, american english from tv shows and australian english from the australian open.. you wouldn't think that i would miss any tennis would you? hehe...

oh of course... russell peters' imitations as well... i am adept. trust me.


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