Monday, April 18, 2005

msn. the welcome relief... yet the disturbance of the 'force'...

yikes I've been on msn for too long a time i think... and worse is going online and getting others disturbed too... i feel... yeeks... but yesterday was really really funny... spoke to some people online (shall leave their names out for now... you can guess them later...) and it was really hilarious... absolutely... nutty? the 'little boy' who got his foot injured was really making snide brit-homour-like remarks about his injury... hope you 'nailed' the paper anyhow today... :) and managed to hobble to yih... without being 'over'... *grin*

and yes mk, girls are dangerous... don't try getting too close to too many... may be more trouble than not... heh... *wink* (just a general reference ya?) (yes... I just MIGHT be dangerous as well... ha... ) (I'm still lying awake thinking of math... sheesh... that equation would never ever leave my dreams... you evil math professor-to-be... argh.)

and yes, making my list of people to catch up with and checking it twice... ")

the 'force' of studying is really affected somehow... sigh... God... i need to accelerate...

my childhood friend's still really mischevious... cal, you haven't changed one bit! i wonder how she stands you... haahhaa... *grin*

yes Karen, I look forward to our many conversations... ADORE talking to you... *laughs* we're so similar... in more ways than I can count huh?


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