Saturday, April 16, 2005

so maybe it was little mk then... :)

since after some thinking to myself... it couldn't have been marcus... had to be marvin... the mischevious one... hahaa... but well marcus, you did tell me that you used to be a menace along with the rest of your 'biking gang'... :P so I wonder... heh...

and whilst looking through old photographs i found my adorable little baby photographs... and found myself gazing in wonderment at the changes I have had since I was young till now... my face shape certainly changed alot... and many times... ") in any case, it was good to look back and feel proud of my adorable features... heh...

been listening to pastor joseph prince's "finding your life partner - God's choice or yours?" it's interesting how when you ponder on the word of God... so many things start to come in place... and all the ideas flow in accordance... and you start finding the peace and quiet you should have in the first place in God...

to have Prudence... and to be Virtuous would be what I would be seeking to have and be then... :)

and muggin's not too consistent... argh. but it's been going still... quite fine...