Thursday, April 14, 2005

exams. inevitable. struggles.

whenever one gets a little too tied up in her studies... she gets a little lost somewhere... out there... this is possibly one of the few times that I have actually read my readings assiduously carefully... which is scaring me actually, since I have not even gone through half of my first module... and I have six...

and the reading week's a week long... not say two or three or four... thank God for it though... with this intensity... four weeks would have been insanity...

and seriously... I have not studied this intently before... I used to always merely go through my readings really briefly before for all of my exams... and somehow... by his grace... I manage to get my way out of things... not needing to do alot... but yet, I regret for my not trying harder... suppose it would be explained in my previous blog about the things I could have been doing... sigh... but it's God's will... it's God's will... beats doing superbly well all the way and eventually coming to a dead end when something really bad crops up... like bad results...

no am not trying to justify myself... I can't... there have been too many things i have given up... so much so that I tend to rattle on and on about my past glories... which aren't many I know... :(

my music... my studies... responsibilities in school... my walk with God... my service in church... so many regrets... maybe I should be using the word "much" now... it's really uncountable...

yeeps... am trying to be lame for a while... too much policies and alan greenspan have made me... er... speechless??? *can't find the word to describe myself right now*

am looking good (have been dressing up to blow the boring days away)... but am all mushed up inside... argh.