Monday, April 18, 2005

learning from non-christian sources the problems in life...

from my management textbook... I've learnt alot... :) seems like when I was bombarded and literally flooded with inputs about organizational culture (arguably the most 'dead' topic here)... I found an idea somewhere somehow... seems like there are two ways to understand a organization's culture... looking into what is "VISIBLE" and what is "INVISIBLE"... similarly, there are two ways in finding out about a person's ideas and personality... even my own... I'm not too sure what I am thinking about at times and why I even think this way... coupled with asking my dear friends for feedback (which I learnt is a salient way of learning about myself)... I think I shall look into what else's visible... where do I find my 'heros' and what do the 'stories' I tell encompass? what are the 'rites and rituals' that I do daily? my heros? people who are extremely talented in sports, studies and pragmatic... basically people who are really grounded or brilliant... which means, perhaps that I would seek to be as such... (i don't know myself too well sometimes... so this is just a hypothesis I have yet to test out) my stories are always told of such people in my life... which is uncanny... since so many of my better friends are as such... (maybe birds of the same feather flock together? *luffs*) my rites and rituals? perfection... somewhat... in the areas that I feel the passion for though... not in every other thing...

does that make me a "boondoggle" in the spiritual sense? well... I'm still finding my area of service in the Lord in both the 'outside world' and 'within'... not that I'm not serving him right now... ha... in fact I think I keep on serving in more ways than I could accomodate for time... to find out which is it...

then again... leaving room for failure and grieving...

"If everything we try works, we aren't trying enough" McGuinn, Mellon Banks

"Unguarded strength is a double-weakness- because that is where the least likely temptations will be effective in sapping strength" - Oswald Chambers, My Utmost For His Highest

without accomodating unguarded time and strength... :)

PS sorry for the myriad of ideas... I haven't the time to consolidate everything to make it as clear as i should have liked... everything's pouring in like torrents of floodwaters...


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