Thursday, June 10, 2004

back from the uber not-too-bad camp...

ate so much I could literally explode... but who can resist apple pies, chocolate cakes, eclairs, sweet deserts, quay (if that's how you spell it) etc when they float around you just about everyday during every meal... I just thought to myself that the necessary climbing of stairs to get around due to the building's infrastructure would suffice... to no avail? I gained a kilogram... in just four days...

and thank God that I have made the choice... finally... would be turning up at business school. I was leading in worship during one of the camp sessions and I shared the reason I chose the particular song "you are my hiding place"... I simply wept (without prior rehearsal to do so)... the speaker for the camp prayed for me along with my youth pastor, my mentor and one of the aunties I knew for a really long time in church... it was really up-lifting... the spirit moved within to work things out... I didn't have to sweat anything... the choice was made... the choice confirmed... with signs everywhere...

that settled... putting peace in my heart of course... it's time to start thinking of other more pertinent things... like my mission trip to vietnam...

the preaching was really good during the camp... it struck me just where needed... and everything just tied in with my decision... "my utmost for his highest"... not that devotion book by oswald chambers... it's inspired by it...

talked a little more with a friend I hadn't hang out with in a long time... and glad we still can maintain that bit of 'friendly chemistry' to talk to each other... I also realised that I'm rather different from other people in my doings... weird is the word rather I think... but unique is what I'm trying to reconcile with... it's great to be different... it shows off your speciality... but at the same time, the misunderstandings and hard-to-understand problems arise that one may not be able to take at times...