Friday, May 21, 2004

A mundane day was all it was? not so...

it was not so a mundane day... but almost... ;P gave tuition and went for final theory lesson 3 4 which knocked me over in fatigue... and was simply exhaustion. I had better get used to it actually, cause uni wouldn't be so forgiving... I need 'study stamina', if you can call it that way... morning was dedicated to some exercise which kicked the last bit of complain out of me. I seem to become more cheerful in exercising... perhaps it's because I take things out in games and the machines? good thing they're things, not feeling creatures... I think if I had a dog... I'd even walk it to exhaustion when trying to get things off my chest or something... which wouldn't please the spca at alll... oh no. I think I can't help thinking so much about everything, much as uncomfortable as it can be and seem... my friends still can't get over it... cause I'm the sort to say everything out... but thinking means silence... and it's not me... ???

to say all that I have to say, in thinking, I've created my own collection of poems... I love writing them... another interest that I can indulge in right now in the midst of lots of spare time... and I had better grab at the chance to love doing it now...

another juvenile peom of mine...

Words that separate or congregate,
can be anyone's words, when spoken with hate
a harsh word breeds a fiery argument
but a gentle answer, no one's predicament
discouragements have some of late because of words
yet encouragements also come with words I heard
a wise man speaks with authority
yet with the same words can a man speak folly
what then makes the words words needed?
wisdom from above is to be heeded...


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