*Sophie* finds it all amazing...
I dunno what is going to happen but I seem to be the only candidate who is applying for the job right now- the rest have accepted all other positions at other companies which have interviewed them since last week. This is due to my late submission of my CV- everyone else had their multiple interviews... I have only had a screening...
But this life science firm seems to be in line with what I would like to do... and with the contacts made around this prior to this amazingly, I seem to be headed in this direction... But honestly, if they screen me and find me unsuitable- I guess that I can really consider being off the program then- since every other company has had their pick and mine wasn't in the pile when they chose.
I prayed that although my CV would go up really late, that the company whom i would eventually work for would only look through the CVs when mine is up. So far this is the only company which has. All other companies had their 'kiasu' moments...
and remember when I said I didn't have good and enough rest? Well I just had a good night's of rest- thank God. for the first time in many nights, really...
this weekend's going to be crazy- coming back to NUS almost everyday *glup* I really don't wanna stay behind but i guess i have no choice... :(
in any case, I should be thankful! (but I am justa little irked at how some people tell me not to worry and I get appleased due to their seemingly similar positions as mine and i find out in the end that it is not so)
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