Wednesday, June 14, 2006

swishing thoughts.

i never knew that a lack of brain usage for merely a while would tend to corrode one's ability to think, analyse, comprehend and memorize so much... but maybe it's the myriad of topics and readings... maybe it's just too much? or maybe i am just plain not-so-smart... or maybe i have to be selective and 'study smart'... thing is... i never have intended to 'study smart'... which is an irony because most would think that alot of people who have gotten into uni do so by studying smart... but i tend to study what i like, and not study what i don't like... i can have this enormous passion for a certain subject, and read all about it through external readings and neglect another.... rather completely... until the time calls for some responsibility of at least glancing through the text...

i cannot seem to be able to think of what i would write there and then on my exam paper... usually with arts subjects i tend to have a really good idea of what to write and how to write the essaies... now i am at a loss... i never studied last minute before as well... ok so maybe it's not so last minute... but i never really liked studying such that i would have just been done exactly with studying by the time the paper starts... *shudder*

ok maybe by the time night falls for me to retire to sleep for the next day's paper...

i technically have not much time to 'waste around'... tomorrow would be last few hours... and the thorn would be removed from my flesh... it's irritating to have this one throbbing thing sticking itself into your skin... when you know you could be reading, enjoying your time... and having more nothingness...

but tennis is on tomorrow with uncle richard... cool. i haven't had a swipe at the ball for what seems to me like ages... when the fact is i can't really find kakis to play with...

the one i thought i could count on to play with a few months back injured his neck and his kaki injured his elbow... oh injuries...

don't mind my incoherence... i am but a babbling little girl who knows not what to say... for now...

oh and the world cup has been so fantastic so far.... though not for the reasons i had thought... i actually like the game! not just the cute players! *amazed*


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