Saturday, October 29, 2005


why is it that when you thought that everything was settled everything starts to surface again? why is it that when you think that everything is a wreck something comes along your way to redeem it?

and why is it that though i have failed the Lord Jesus so many times he is still ever faithful?
why is it that though I have made wrong choices so many times along the way he still cares?

why is it that an unlovable person like me has people to love and cherish me?
why is it that people go confused and get irritated by me?

God i thank you for answering my many prayers... thanks for showing me your wisdom and grace. thanks for making things happen the moment i start praying about them. and thanks for guarding and protecting my heart. thanks for helping me discern the situation. thanks for giving me the peace despite it all. thanks for giving me great friends along the way to help me out. thanks for wonderful times I have spent with my loved ones.

but i don't know what to do right now Lord Jesus. No one knows the future but i want to keep praying and discerning along the way. till i fully realise your perfection and glory in my life.

heal our hurts... help us to get over the past and get moving onwards.


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