Sunday, October 16, 2005

someone asked...

the difference between an optimist and a person who is joyful in the Lord...

an optimist won't last long if he or she doesn't have a clear mindset of a definite better future... and a joyful person? oh he or she will last... because his or her hope doesn't lie in an uncertain probable positive future but a definite hope that lasts more than a lifetime...

yet sometimes it seems so intangible one gets tired of waiting for the coming and get distracted with the worldly things around one...

i have been so blessed with two very giving, extremely understanding and godly persons in my life. one of whom i have yet to know more of... another i know for sure that God has put into my life to teach me disciplines which were never that familiar to me nor was i accepting of those. yet God showed me his great power and might in changing the person i am and have within...

this episode has taught me to rejoice in the Lord at all times, know of his goodness as a mandate, trust in his wisdom. and he gives wisdom to all who ask for it... and i know i shall find it...

this episode hasn't ended... but i that for every episode God has a purpose and plan. a purpose to change us into beings more for his glory and of his liking and character... more and more each day we find ourselves being morphed into characters we never would have thought possible of ourselves before...

and face new situations that are so new and fresh... and find courage in others' courage and strength, which they draw from our Lord Jesus...

The trials have been tough... will continue to be tough... but i know for sure that God has set a way ahead for me... a path that leads me to his glory... :)