Sunday, March 20, 2005

the oil... the horrors...

I was eating some muslim food just now and i had a shock of my life when I eventually looked at what I was eating rather than looking elsewhere at my notes... etc... it contained so much oil!!! I almost fainted in mock indignation... I thought there was this eat-healthy campaign or something!!! and I ate almost all vegetables... ok... so with a little mutton... but the oil came from one of the tofu dishes....

la la la... rather than lament... perhaps I should think of a way to expel out the oil... perhaps it's too late... anyway... once bitten twice shy... I shan't be eating those disgusting stuff anymore...

my calculus test's later... and man am I a little gittery about it all... I don't know if I have prepared enough whilst looking into past year papers and not even so much as touch my tutorials... because I have always thought that the real exams are always different from the silly tutorials meant to "stimulate" your mind...

as I had in Temasek... but at least I appreciate the math concepts right now... albeit it being more difficult than not... alot of the stuff taught are actually year three stuff... and yes they are tested...

yes... I'm getting back being me again... had enough sleep... am starting to get mean... or perhaps I may be more harmless and congenial when I'm actually sleepy and tired... but I tend to get out of control then... somewhat likened to a nice drunk man... but you do want to know about his real character after the night's over right? :)

God, please help me with my calculus test... and ALL the assignments after which as well please... *pathetic look*