Friday, October 22, 2004

meeting people I never thought I would meet...

and finding that I'm talking to people whom I never expected to even carry out a decent conversation with without stepping on their toes and vice versa... ") wonderments of wonderments and anything is possible... met an old friend today and had a good friendship going on with another just when it seemed quite impossible... and life's been good though I have been terribly busy... endorphines are terrific creations, God! why yes, went to the gym today and ce n'est pas fatigue! go pray the Jabez prayer, it works, it changes life, and it's giving me more than I could ever think of...

and for those seeking the Lord's will in your love life out there, go pray the Sophie's prayer... that you'll never find yourself getting 'distracted' by anyone except the one God has set aside for you... and even so, he/she will be encouragement to you to serve God with all your life, so that it may go well with you and that you'll find yourself the enrichment of life in the midst of singlehood...

C'est la vie... and you can have it too, if only you'd ask... :P

just to add a little, french was good today... suddenly wisdom came upon me and I understood... I stand as testament to his word... and if it is his will for me to pass the module and not take it ever again, it's his will... I'll just be trying my best... ")