Sunday, October 17, 2004

Chillingly snappish...

I was shocked at my snappish ways just now... I mean, I've always taken a little more effort in being civil to just about anyone but I guess I say what I mean most of the time and if one happens to get me on my 'worse' days... It's good hearing to you, because you'll be hearing things you would never have expected me to say before... And I don't bother about not being curt to anyone...

so there's that and I finally realised the brat in me... again... it's resurfacing... and getting stronger with each day that I find myself more secure in being me, or when I start feeling a little insecure about things... there's this fine balance I must learn to maintain and I don't know if it's called maturity when you learn to identify it and curb it... I'd rather tend to think that I'm doing it for the sake of others around me... it's like trying to restrain a lion from eating the people around you- people whom you love...

but I suppose that realisation is the first step, and I can take pride in not being ignorant about it! although it'll start as a nagging everyday (wait a minute, if it does nags me and nags me into doing good, I don't see why not) ;P

lots of things to be accomplished tonight... take heart my fair warrior... for although the going might seem tougher than you can ever imagine, it really is easy when you compare it to a whole lot of others things you could be doing... like thinking too much and reflecting overly... or expressing overtly and getting bad flak? ")


Anonymous Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info
» »

7:14 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » »

4:23 PM  

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