Friday, October 01, 2004

french test was superbly tough...

and I'll have to say thank God that I could at least write something albeit that I doubt I have immaculate french... but it's a learning process anyway and I believe something good can come out of this... er... to put it in a dramatic way... calamity?

met some people who are going to major in theatre studies and they kinda remind me of my drama cca people in junior college... fun loving and a little INSANE... (pun intended) actually I don't know what would have happened if I had joined things like M1 youth connection and the youth side of theatre as suggested by one of my drama instructor then... perhaps a totally wrecky and different way of life?

people aren't as nice as you view them to be... I found out only last night.. wait, or should I say this morning... according to the insights and experiences of a particular friend, I have found the perfect excuse not to get attached... guys can be real jerks... oh well... maybe and who knows? I might even find a permanent excuse... and that would be rather tramatic wouldn't it?

tired out and yet I have yet to study.. girl go go go...


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