Tuesday, June 29, 2004

boring boring and boring...

thought that it would be one week of free time... or so I expected it to be at least. never would have guessed that I would find it most irritating to have instead. how ironic. when I've got so much to do, I grumble and look forward to the next time that I can get some breather. When I've got such mundane things to do, I start to find that everything seems a little meaningless without some 'omp' in life... some stress and excitement... know what I mean? been reading quite a lot (not trashy novels or anything for that matter), and doing housework rather diligently, which is quite unlike me, I must say... but maybe being so busy before has that effect on one... you simply must keep doing something, even if it means that it's tiring, it's boring, it's dirty work and so on...

I'm seemingly prattling on like a parrot... although one thing's for sure, I don't go brainless like parrots do. ;P

driving test's coming up next month (which is really soon... I'm getting the nerves) and I've got so much to do... that I keep having to remind myself to take one day at a time or I would have exploded rather a long time ago... wimbledon's abandoned (it's supposed to be watched by me all the time) and I find myself specialising in sleeping or simply doing anything that I can find to do. Don't get me wrong... I don't have much time to sleep, so that's why I keep dozing off every now and then. church notice board needs to be up, so is the banner. (and the design's not too up yet, yikes) did a collage of my college days... been quite a sentimental time for me, but because was feeling so lethargic whilst doing all that, didn't master the strength to shed a tear or two at all... pity...

feeling a little different... maybe when I'm on the edge of being tired (which I have been all half week), I tend to be... nicer... to everyone no matter what... no, I'm not going to pop pills for that... then again, I might have changed after the mission trip... can't tell myself myself sometimes... need feedback...


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