Saturday, August 05, 2006

Anthony Bourdain...


he's so charming in his cooking shows and so suave with his words... so witty in his remarks and so laid back with life... yet is someone famous and doing well...

well he wrote some books and i am on the second now... :)

am pleased to hear of the perspective of someone i really gravitate towards... don't ask me how come... maybe because he's totally opposite of me... i shan't stop to mention why in the case of protest against my character... haha.

well we're going for the recce trip to malaysia in a day's time and it'll be rather a long time.. since we've got to recce quite a few places... and since i chair the com, i had better be down to make some decisions... otherwise... would have loved to spend some time with someone...

oh well... sacrifices... :)

anyway my foot and arm hurts from the badminton yesterday... whoa it was so shiong... i didn't know that whole bunch were like school team players standard man... even stroking with them required alot of strength... and energy not to mention... i can feel my arms getting stronger and more toned... yeeks! because that would mean bigger... NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

cycled to the market with my mom this morning to buy some stuff for alpha group held at our place every saturday... and cycled to church for dance practice too! i think i much like cycling.... but the thing is: my arms ached and i really couldn't enjoy it all that much...

school's starting soon in real time and i am so going to have to buy a whole bunch of expensive textbooks... oh no... haiz...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have been looking for sites like this for a long time. Thank you! » »

5:56 AM  

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