Friday, July 07, 2006

back from camp quirky!!!

:) and i am so much in love with it... i made so many new friends... converted acquaintances into friendship- which i hope would continue to last and live up to the community that Christ asks us to be a part of... :)

i guess i will never see the X men in the same light again... (my group did a skit based on the themes of X men and the topic of 'unity') it was hilarious... but i would say not as hilarious as that of the superman's and the nemo's...

being an ogl for the camp wasn't too easy as i would have liked... i don't know if i should qualify them as spiritual attacks but i was sick and almost down for much of the camp... but i prayed and God answered my prayers to help me not be a part of the 3rd day's beach games... but i didn't know that that would apply to everyone else as well - it rained.


two years back, i came into such a camp a little lost but a very enthusiastic freshie whose light sort of fizzled out in the times that came... i am regretful of that and i hope that this light would be renewed and rejuvenated. it felt good to once again minister to and touch the lives of others... something (some of you might know) that would officially be in doubt with respect to church.

in any case tomorrow would be no rest day and i would have to have a meeting to meet the anntic committee to organise our retreat.. tired. but i guess essential and good to have most definitely.. the advertisement for both epistole and anntic went well and so far we've got two freshies who approached us to be layout artists! :) yay...

just love singing along to the sound of music... we spent the 2nd last day singing alot with music and wow... it was nice... along with good voices to boot, vcf has got some fantastic musicians no doubt... new ones... :)

was very touched by the way the engine people were so close as friends and brothers and shared openly and seriously with one another, having some brotherly time out amongst themselves... one can say from one viewpoint that they were being clickish but i guess this is a plus point in having an all-male group of guys who can share openly with one another... and especially when they happen to be more introverted at the sight of girls... hah.

i loved interacting with the ogls themselves... was very very farni. they were mostly guys who don't look like they could crack a joke (hey no offense ok!) but turned out to be the craziest bunch of people i tell you... it's insane... laughing everyday made my stomach muscles harden...

this camp? fun-tastic. there is nothing more i can say to describe how much i love it...


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