Thursday, April 20, 2006

S7. woo hoo!

amazingly, the wordy entries have given way to the simplistic ones...

i just tried out the S7 head racket and man was it a hit... :) it's so much lighter and easier to handle... since well, i haven't been lifting weights in a while... no matter...

did the re-gripping of two of my rackets and felt good cause it was supposed to be done more than a year back... :(

boiled green bean soup today... was a tad too sweet but wasn't too bad i guess...

got to go get my passport made tomorrow... bother bother... but it has to be done soon or else... when i really do need it, i might not have the time to do it... sheesh... does that mean taking the passport pictures all over again? i am rather camera shy... honest!

been gorging as usual but without the usual guilt... think despite that i might have to watch my diet soon... it's getting rather out of hand... everything should be done in moderation...

cause buffets are coming up! hehe...