Monday, August 08, 2005

seven-layer chocolate cake!

was VERY good... and i must say that despite my enthusiasm to eat, i'm starting to feel a little bloated and slowing down... yet the clam chowder in a huge onion bread didn't make me feel bad at all last night at about 10.30pm... *bleah* what am i trying to say? I'm trying so hard to lose the weight away and yet the eating habits haven't exactly been good...

and i think i should try noticing my strength alot more these days... i seem to be pretty 'chor lor' whenever i go... whatever i do... be it slamming the door shut or simply opening it up, somehow subtle actions can have vast consequences... yeeks... i'm turning into some incredible person with a quiet outlook... notice the word outlook is outlook... *laughs*

anyway... Happy Birthday Singapore! and happy birthday to the only person i know whose birthday is today... gabriel... *if in any case you do come across this part of my blog at the right time*

haiz. well from kelvin's comment on my blog you guys would have known that the huge hold-up yesterday was due to some guy who was thrown out of the truck in an accident and rolled over by another truck... sharon lu from vcf said she saw the tyre marks on the guy... haiz... no i don't feel disgusted but i feel sad... in a way... you just never know what would happen tomorrow...

thanks for updating me kel...

ah yes i sat in science of music lecture and man it was so fun! ok i gate-crashed but so what? how else would you get to know such a fantastic professor who's christian, funky, a physicist and a musician? oh man... that's so what i would have loved to do!!! unfortunately i have taken my 5 core modules and i am mentally not prepared to take another... whether or not i would SU it... ya... but it'll definitely be something i would be taking in the future... :)

MiDi composition!!! and wave velocity equations... super me... super my forte and super my favorite part of physics... for the physics part that is... not so the Midi thingy...