Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Quick quick... Get it done and over with...

I can't wait to get my econs test done and over with... Cause for me, that would be THE subject to conquer... It's tough... Challenging... And one would never know what's going to come out... So suppose you could have been studying for this one module for ages and yet never get a good grade... Ah, but for the love of the subject... I still tried anyway... And would try my best later on...

an hour and a half... Counting down...

it rained today... Couldn't get a place on the treadmill... Remind me never to go to the gym during rainy days... sheesh... so I went on the stepping machine... for half an hour... thought it was a little excessive but I had to... no choice but to burn off the fats in those chocs... and thank God I feel so much better... after a night's rest... last night I was coughing and having watery eyes and stuff... it was the chocs that made me blue... I don't blame anyone but myself for having such low resistance to them... ;P

coffee's in the tummy... now actually feeling overly alert... oh no... bad timing... but suppose it'll be optimal during the exam later... I think I want to eat just before... but wouldn't I be sleepy? argh....


cry me a genius... i need to be one...


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