Sunday, January 29, 2006

wow. the merlion and alot of funk!

merlion referring to the girl who almost puked all over ian in the bus on the way home... she was really liberal in her spit... ha... *shudder* it was very gross... but all in the name of human rights... everyone is entitled to his or her space!

we went to Highway 99 for Doctor Funk! woo hoo! well we almost didn't make it because i had some problems with my internet and couldn't get hold of ian but somehow in the end we managed to... :) thank God... it was so so good... the pianist - man he was so good i was standing there with my mouth open wide... wide open... and the guitarist... wow he had tons of pedal which ian introduced me to the functions of... and yes i finally got to see a tower amplifier... cool 6k worth i think... and it's only the price of one...

grooving baby... hehe :)