Saturday, December 31, 2005

campus visit

the area is so huge! there's a shopping centre, arts and dance theatre, many old and ancient looking libraries whose outlook i fell in love with in the pictures i saw and i most definitely would be taking pictures of the campus when there's better weather than the heavy rain that came yesterday...

well yes i am up again at 430am... which is irritating really... but i figured i could waste no time by getting online and checking out for my classes and all...

had most of my administrative stuff done, which is a relief... though there's more notably when school starts.. everyone's on this super long weekend and friday was a good time to do those admin stuff since everyone's a trifle more lenient... haha

and yes i have gotten two of four of my textbooks and they're so expensive. i gotta get the book rebate thing somehow... though 8% only... but still helps! imagine paying US500 for your books... can puke blood really... :(

can't find any course schedule thing going and so i guess it's going to be blind aiming for my courses till my instructor tells us otherwise... :(

new year's day... what am i thinking of doing? haha honestly? studying... anyway i haven't been able to sleep late here... so i might as well save myself the embarrassment of not being able to keep awake at any parties... though that might change with time... :)

had my first american big meal at johnny rockets! it's ex but i guess american food's generally rather expensive when you convert the currency to sing dollars... it's nice and much better than singapore's fast food really... but i am also looking forward to trying all the restaurants within campus... there are hundreds of them... no kidding and am not exaggerating! should take some pics soon... it's difficult to visualise...

walked in the rain the whole day on campus... might be getting a cold... but i sure hope not! it sucks... :( and it's particularly cold when you're wet and all in the cold and rain...

not to mention that hot coffee is most appreciated then! now you know why they're crazy about coffee here! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Enjoyed a lot!

3:00 PM  

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